Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bridal Shower for "Scenethia"

Thanks to the wonderful guests for comint to Cynthia's shower. Thanks to the hostess with the mostest: Aunt Carol. And thank you to the cutest bunch or servers on the planet!

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Benemerito & Big Cottonwood Thanksgiving

While Ann & Mary spent time together during the Thanksgiving holiday a little further from the equator we gathered at the Cabin.
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Monday, November 10, 2008

Women for Future working together in a Salt Lake warehouse to sort items going to Iraq.

This is the organization I went to Iraq with last May. Women for Future was selected by Paul Holton (in lower photo)the founder of Operation Give <> to distribute donations for Iraq. Not wanting the goods to end up on the black market or be pilfered Paul said he only wanted to work wtih the women we have on our F.U.T.U.R.E. board in Baghdad to distribute goods not earmarked for the soldiers since he feels confident they will then go to those truly in need.

The LDS church will be shipping the items for us. There is lots of work to do. If you would like to contribute some labor in sorting these supplies feel free to join us. Contact me for details. It is a great way to serve this time of year.

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Boston, Maine & the PA Siddoways

The fall colors were not the only thing we were checking out...future cruises and Leheigh University and the Siddoway's new home. ALL were FABULOUS!

A highlight for me was attending the rehearsal for next Sunday's Primary program in Siddoway's branch. I've never seen anything like it...all of the children sang and sang on pitch. How did someone ever succeed in teaching them to do that?
I was told the chorister didn't even use games or much hooplaa. Maybe that is the secret?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Exploring our Utah Roots


Spent a delightful weekend with family discovering our Utah roots with the best guide possible-Genealogy Grandma!

Visited Fort Cameron to see first hand the lone remaining fort structure William Burt had helped plaster in Beaver. Mom, Dad and the twins in front of the rock home built by William for his family. House is located at 503 East on Center Street in Beaver, Utah

WE were also able to hike to the LONE PINE TREE in New Harmony which I have never before done and we even found the correct tree (it is not alone any longer.) This trip was so fun we've decided it ought to be an annual event and we hope our siblings that couldn't make it this time will be able to next year.