Saturday, October 25, 2008

Boston, Maine & the PA Siddoways

The fall colors were not the only thing we were checking out...future cruises and Leheigh University and the Siddoway's new home. ALL were FABULOUS!

A highlight for me was attending the rehearsal for next Sunday's Primary program in Siddoway's branch. I've never seen anything like it...all of the children sang and sang on pitch. How did someone ever succeed in teaching them to do that?
I was told the chorister didn't even use games or much hooplaa. Maybe that is the secret?


Callisto said...

The east coast is so beautiful. I'd love to go back and visit sometime.

Kelly said...

Our ward had more than a hundred kids in our program. I think that it must be more manageable in a smaller Primary. They sounded very nice. Looks like a lovely trip to Nancy's!

Nancy said...

The actual primary program was today and was a big success! We were so glad you could be there for the preview!

sayfuzzypickles said...

Then you haven't heard mine and Maryanne's primary! You are welcome to come to our program on the 9th, it will be fabulous. Our chorister does tons of games and we have a blast! And they are marvelous!

Maryanne said...

Wow the size of that Primary looks like the size of ONE of my classes! Looks like you had a marvelous time back there :o)