Monday, October 6, 2008

After Conference Afternoon Session


Callisto said...

Looks like you guys had a good time. I sure do miss you and your family! See you at Christmastime!

Maryanne said...

You are making good use of the new pink camera Jan! I love the action shot of someone (Paul?) jumping in the air - great composition :)

I am SOOOO glad to see those darling young ladies! Can't wait to meet them!

Kelly said...

Hi Jan! Julie told me about your blog--very clever title! I'm excited you have started blogging. Your fall pictures look so pretty. Thanks for your hospitality on Pioneer Day too! What a beautiful cabin and retreat. It's always a pleasure to be around your whole big family. I am glad to like a small extended part of it.

Kelly said...

I just read my comment back and I made a typo! Rather than saying I like only a small part of your big family, I MEANT that I feel like I'm a part of it. "I like all y'all (as these Texans say)."

sayfuzzypickles said...

Okay Jan, thanks for the teaser label. Now explain who the new girls on the block are. :)