Thursday, April 9, 2009

You SPOKE I listened!

I have had request for pics from Scene & Cynthia's wedding and rightly they are. What a fun memory it was.

We'd been back from Mexico just one day and had this great temple wedding-sealed by his grandfater; ...then a great Indian dinner & dance celebration! WE LOVE MANGO LASSIS and CYNTHIA!


Callisto said...

It was a gorgeous reception with awesome food. Personally, I want to see the video of festivities, especially the part where I make a fool of myself dancing the Thriller.

Kelly said...

Looks like an awesome celebration! Congratulations to the good-looking newlyweds. Also, thanks for your hospitality last Sunday! It's always a pleasure to be there with the whole gang.

Julie V. said...

Love the pictures! Cynthia is a great addition to your family.

Taryn and the boys said...

thank you, thank you, thank you!!! What fun pictures. I want to see the video of Madison too. Hope they are doing well.

Jessie said...

I loved that reception! It was great, and I absolutely love scene and cynthia, they are so cute together! Thanks for putting up the pictures.

I don't really know how to send you that you tube of Mary though..